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Details On This Week's 'Friday The 13th: The Game' Patch

The latest and long-awaited update to Friday the 13th: The Game brought many new and exciting things to the table; new single player challenges, an engine upgrade, a new counselor, and many other additions.

The update also brought about a handful of bugs and glitches, which will be addressed in the upcoming patch detailed by the developers below:

"There are still things that need to be worked on, but here is what should be going live early next week:

Xbox One Crash at start – This was one of the highest priority issues for us. We’ve fixed two separate issues that could be causing Xbox Ones to crash at the “Press A to Start” screen.

Vehicle Rubber-banding – This was another high priority issue for us. There are two Rubber-banding bugs that have been a problem over this past year. The first is the bug that appeared after the December patch and is a different issue than the one that is currently in the live build. While we had fixed the first Rubber-banding bug during our work for the May patch, the engine upgrade had also consequently created a new Rubber-banding issue. Both of these issues are very different, but look nearly identical to players. This has understandably caused a lot of confusion. We have made a fix for this newest rubber-banding bug and we hope that this upcoming patch will resolve the Rubber-banding issue once and for all.

Numerous Gameplay Crashes – We’ve fixed a bunch of issues that could cause game crashing. This was another high priority issue.

Missed or Missing Audio Queues – This includes door, window, and barricading sounds not playing. They should play now.

Jason Car Physics - Jason should no longer be able to kick cars across the map.

Jason Shininess Reduction – Jason shouldn’t be so shiny now.

Savini Skin Pixelation – Savini Jason’s textures should look much better now.

Speed Demon Objective – This objective should complete correctly for players now.

Tiffany Swimsuit – Players can now correctly choose both the top and bottom of Tiffany’s swimsuit.

Non-selectable Emotes – PC players should now be able to select any emote that they have unlocked.

Key Binding – Added throwing knife functionality to key bindings.

We fixed Roy’s orange hands.

Emote Loop – The new dance emotes loop. Have fun dancing.

Part 6 Jason Skin – Fixed some discoloration on his mask straps.

Victoria Clothing Change - Victoria no longer quick changes her pants when she puts on the sweater.

Muting Players - Addressed an issue to make muting players more consistent

We are still working on a number of high priority items, including the following:

Character Randomization – This has caused a number of other issues including the wrong skin, wrong weapons, wrong Jason in intro/outro, etc. We are still working on this.

Counselors not being able to pick up items – May occur when swapping an equipped item with an item on the floor

Stun/Grab Floating – Occurs when Jason is stunned at the same time as a grab lands.

Violent Shaking during kills – Counselor bodies violently shake back and forth during the kill animation.

Grab Insta-kill – we’ve only seen this reported 2 times. If this has happened to you, or in a match that you have played, let us know. If you have a video of the match, even better."

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