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[Review] Alex Noyer's Short Film 'Conductor'

In a place, these days, known for dying businesses, a group gathers in the mall for a competition. A new state of the art drum machine is up for grabs, if you can master the beat. Josh is up for the challenge despite his lack of experience or booing from the crowd and heckling from his friend who is making sure the whole fiasco is recorded on video.

Thankfully, one professional is ready to get him back on track and she encourages him, “Think about what you want to do before you do it, start simple” and the beat builds up and quickly wins the crowd over. After uploading the beat and streaming directly into the headphones of our encouraging professional, an explosion of confetti reveals the prize that no one was expecting.

Just like techno, Conductor shows how techno is all pleasure and fun for some, and torture for others.

Horror is great for taking normal or humble situations and mutilating them quickly, but the vast contrast in Conductor is intense and abrupt to catch everyone off guard. The descent into chaos is so quick that it does not waste time with motive or reason in favor of a feast of visual shock and harmony. Any artist or musician knows that as a creator, your art may come with the best of intentions, but what someone else does with it is beyond your control.

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