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Q&A With Courtney Akbar, Star Of Minh Collins' Upcoming 'Circus Road'

Circus Road Q&A Courtney Akbar Interview

Minh Collins' killer clown flick Circus Road is currently in post production with a release planned for October, just in time for Halloween. We recently had the privilege of sharing a few questions with star Courtney Akbar about her love for horror, her role in the film and more. You can check out the Q&A below.

In Circus Road, a runaway bride and her bridesmaids are stranded in a city run by clowns. Everything seemed normal at first but this clown cult has their own set of rules. It's a carnival ride as our girls tries to stay alive to escape Clown City.

When did you first become a horror fan?

Courtney Akbar: I've always loved horror movies! I feel like I started watching more of them after I started dating my (now) husband though. I definitely enjoy watching scary movies with someone more than I do alone.

Was there a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to go from being a horror fan to an actress in the genre, or did it just happen naturally?

Courtney Akbar: I feel like it happened naturally, as it was bound to happen at some point being an actress.

Is there a Scream Queen in the genre who you consider to be a role model?

Courtney Akbar: Yes there's a few! To no surprise, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tippi Hedren, Darcy DeMoss, Chloe Moretz and Jennifer Carpenter. I'm fortunate to have had a lot of talented women to look up to growing up.

How do you think the role of women in horror has changed in the past few decades, and what do you think the future holds for women in the genre?

Courtney Akbar: I feel the roles women portray in horror has grown to be more versatile over the past few decades. What started as women being mostly victims has grown into women becoming survivors and main antagonists more commonly. I feel the film industry as a whole is growing away from old stereotypes and it's very refreshing to see more strong women on camera and even behind the scenes. I feel very fortunate to be involved in the industry during a revolutionary time, especially for women.

Now a few specific questions about Minh Collins' Circus Road. How did you come to be involved in the project?

Courtney Akbar: I got involved in Circus Road after having auditioned for the director, Minh Collins for another upcoming film Asphalt Jungle. Circus Road got ahead in schedule and gained priority to film by the end of 2018. Shortly after the script was written, Minh had mentioned to me that he had envisioned me as Kat while writing the script with his co-writer Sadie Katz. When Minh introduced me to Sadie at the press event, I remember she screamed out and said I was Kat!

Were you drawn to the role of Kat? If so, what drew you to the role?

Courtney Akbar: When I read the script, I really liked the complexities of Kat’s personality and psychology, her unique circumstances in life with her family and environment. I really wanted to be able to show more of my talents and my flexibility of playing such a diverse character on screen.

Tell us a little about the character of Kat.

Courtney Akbar: Kat is quirky and strangely likeable! Having grown up in a small desert town in the middle of nowhere and being the only daughter of cult leaders, Tiny Clown and Myrtle, she definitely has a different view of life.

What was it like working with the other cast and crew members on the film?

Courtney Akbar: This was a really fun set to be on! There were lots of jokes, laughs, yelling, some cursing, and a lot of relationships were started from this film. My cast mates were very supportive of me and each other and the whole crew was always working hard and lifting spirits, from the DP down to the PA's.

Who's your favorite final girl?

Courtney Akbar: Sorry, no spoilers!

Do you have any other horror projects coming up in the near future?

Courtney Akbar: I am actually reading one horror script currently that I have been given to consider a role in, but it is still a bit too early to speak on that. Will keep you posted!

Circus Road Q&A Courtney Akbar Interview

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