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[Review] A Family's Secret Is Revealed In Erik Bloomquist's 'Long Lost'

Erik Bloomquist Long Lost Review

If someone tells you that you’ve met before and that they’ve been watching you, that should be your first warning that things are about to take an interesting turn.

Erik Bloomquist’s directorial debut Long Lost is a great example of how quickly a situation can spiral out of control.

The first character we meet is Seth (Adam Weppler) who receives an invitation to meet with his older brother Richard (Nicholas Tucci) at his mansion in the countryside. Seth and Richards’ encounter isn’t exactly what Seth had in mind as their personalities are polar opposites. Throughout the evening he takes a tour of the larger than life home and has an unexpected encounter with Abby (Catherine Corcoran), Richards live in girlfriend.

As the days go by Seth slowly starts to realize that something just isn’t right with his brother. Although he had the chance to leave early on, he chooses to stay after being offered money. Sometimes logic fades with the sight of dollar signs.

I have to say that Long Lost is a very interesting, well thought out film. The characters aren’t one dimensional, which I’m used to seeing a lot of in the thriller genre. Each character has many different aspects to their personalities, making them all the more relatable, even if we don’t agree with everything they do. I genuinely loved the sense of humor used throughout the course of the film as well. It gave the story a little something extra and felt like I was watching the interactions of an actual family.

One of my favorite aspects of Long Lost is how Erik Bloomquist chose a topic that is relatable to so many. Discovering family we never knew we had can cause people to make decisions they otherwise wouldn’t consider. Family can be a difficult subject to cover, especially in the horror and thriller genres. It’s something that has been done countless times, but I think the topic really shines bright here.

I give Long Lost a 10/10. I thoroughly enjoyed the writing and acting skills displayed here. I look forward to seeing more work from everyone involved!

Long Lost is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

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