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This Year's 'Time Warp Picnic' Taking Place At Dr. Frank-N-Furter's Castle From &#39

Rocky Horror Picnic 2019 Oakley Court

We're sure that you've done the Time Warp at countless midnight screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or maybe in the comfort of your own living room, but we're almost certain that you've never done it at Dr. Frank-N-Furter's actual castle!

This August, the Oakley Court hotel in Bray, England, which served as the filming location for Dr. Frank-N-Furter's castle in the classic horror comedy, will open its doors to fans for its annual Time Warp Picnic, which includes an overnight stay, outdoor buffet, and a screening of the classic musical!

Hornet reports that the annual Time Warp Picnic will take place on Sunday, August 25th and will cost you £260.00 (Approx. 326.08 USD) per room. At the time of writing this, the event is booked up, but if you wish to add your name to the waiting list, you can do so by emailing

In addition to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Oakley Court has acted as a filming location for a slew of films, like The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), Theater of Blood (1973) and The Brides of Dracula (1960).

To learn more, visit the Oakley Court's official website.

Rocky Horror Picnic 2019 Oakley Court

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