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Rabbit Junk Smashes Pumpkins For Halloween With "Zero" Cover

Rabbit Junk Zero Smashing Pumpkins

Industrial outfit Rabbit Junk has been re-releasing their older material through Bandcamp, but that doesn't mean new material hasn't trickled through. The spring gave us the brilliant Reveal EP (check out my review here), and older albums such as their 2004 self-titled and 2008's This is Where You Get Fucked have seen new life on the music distribution platform.

As a special Halloween treat, the genre-bending have released their interpretation of The Smashing Pumpkins' "Zero." It's almost scary how well the song fits the unique sound Rabbit Junk serves up, with vocalist Sum Grrrl doing her best Billy Corgan impersonation over distorted guitars and a thumping bass groove.

Rabbit Junk manages to play the song the way it was written, while putting their own urban and industrial marks on the iconic track. It's a fun listen, and with the storefront's "Name Your Price" feature, it's hard to pass up this one-off, especially with the sheer volume of material that RJ is remastering for wider release.

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