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CONFORMCO Releases Dual Single, Teases New Album '1-800-CONFORM'

CONFORMCO Consumer Holiday Product Believe It

CONFORMCO, the corporate "in.dust.real" project headed by Sean Payne (Cyanotic, Vampyre Anvil), has two new songs out as a new dual single. For those all the way over the consumerist overtones of the holiday season, namely Black Friday and Cyber Monday, fear not. "Consumer Holiday Product" and "Believe It" are two industrial dance grooves with percussive rhythms courtesy of Jesse Hunt, and a tongue-in-cheek capitalist lyrical firestorm. Throw in references to The Simpsons, and we have a real (bread)winner on our hands here.

The double dose of new old school is a taste of things to come from 1-800-CONFORM, the second full-length from the outfit. No word on a proper release date, but fans can catch CONFORMCO at the Chicago Cyberfest in March, as well as a Friday the 13th show in Minneapolis. For those that don't want to wait, check out the group's third annual Dysfunctional Christmas Party in Milwaukee this Saturday.

The dual single of "Consumer Holiday Product" and "Believe It," which includes remixes of both tracks, is available now through Bandcamp.


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