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'Infliction: Extended Cut' Torments Consoles In February 2020

Infliction Extended Cut Consoles February 2020

Originally slated to release on consoles earlier this year, Infliction, a psychological horror game from Caustic Reality and Blowfish Studios, will instead strike terror into Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One players on February 25th, 2020.

The game was released on Steam in October of 2018, and the upcoming console version will feature everything contained within the acclaimed and chilling original release. The "Extended Cut" also includes additional endings and a fresh "New Game Plus" mode with bonus story content, increased difficulty, remixed scares, chilling new puzzles, and other surprises.

Set in the aftermath of unthinkable tragedy, Infliction follows the trials of Gary R. Pout as he pieces together the mystery behind a harrowing series of events. Explore a contorted version of his family’s residence to discover a way out before he succumbs to the malevolent spirits within.

In the game you'll evade a relentless paranormal pursuer by ducking into closets, darting under beds, or utilizing light sources like camera flashes to make a fleeting getaway and continue Gary’s search. During the struggle to survive, pore over household objects for secrets, hidden messages, and clues to find new paths, make revelations, and hopefully bring this terrifying ordeal to an end.

Infliction: Extended Cut will be available via the Nintendo Switch eShop, PlayStation Store, and Microsoft Store for $19.99. For more on Infliction, visit the official website.

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