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Aesthetic Perfection Plays Off Of Excessive Pasts with "Party Monster"

Throughout this calendar year, Aesthetic Perfection have pledged to release twelve singles in twelve months, with the end goal being a new album, the follow-up to 2019’s Into the Black (review). To start off this year-long affair, we got the raunchy, hot, and heavy “S E X,” which featured guitars from Sebastian Svalland on the original mix, and a remix from industrial bass badass Moris bah-gawd Blak.

For the second installment, we have a much more reflective, yet just as catchy track in “Party Monster.” As mastermind Daniel Graves tells the story:

“My most ambitious effort to date, “Party Monster” is an industrial rock anthem that honestly and earnestly details my struggles with drugs and alcohol. Mechanized drums set against swirling, tortured vocals explode into a bombastic chorus, driven by guitars provided by none other than Jinxx of Black Veil Brides and crescendos with a blistering solo from former live member Elliott Berlin.”

Musically, the single version reminds me of “If I Die” from Into the Black, with some fun guitar work by Jinxx. Graves’ vocals are as pained as I’ve ever heard them, as one might expect from such an autobiographical song. The death growl vocals that pop up here and there throughout the pre-chorus help to give a voice to the demons which Graves sings about, creating a roundabout beauty and beast in the process. The Deadbeat Remix uses more programming and electronic elements, but keeps the drama and tone of the original mix.

Stream/purchase the single below:



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