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Danny Blu's "Bubble" Gets the Remix Treatment by Mr.Kitty

Danny Blu Bubble Mr.Kitty Remix

Echo Black's Danny Blu has let Synthpop artist Mr.Kitty into his "Bubble" with a brand new remix of the hit track.

Released last summer, the song delves into Danny's world and serves as an introduction to him and his music. Blu braids his personal life with his dark style, representing himself the only way he knows how.

"'Bubble' was always meant to be a welcome to my weird dark world. When Walter (my insanely talented producer) and I embarked on this journey, we started from the first kick drum sound and worked our way up, Blu expands on the process of writing the track. "'Bubble,' as the first single, was a 'hello' from hell, a doorway to my stigma-free temple."

Blu also explains why he had the self proclaimed Self-Destructive Synthpop artist Mr.Kitty remix the song.

"I'm a fan of all kitties. Especially Mr. Kitty. This carefree, bubblegum flavored mix adds such levity to the track that it truly benefits from it. It’s an honor to be reworking 'Bubble' with yet another artist I have been inspired by."

Mr.Kitty's remix of "Bubble" can be heard below.



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