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KILYO Plays "Everyday Jesus" In Arresting New Music Video

Kilyo Everyday Jesus Music Video

As a Valentine’s Day treat, Columbus’ own KILYO christened the music video for his song “Everyday Jesus,” the fourth single from his 2016 album Harpoon. Following “Ceiling,” “Submarine,” and “Dark Narcissus,” this track is, as one would expect, rife with religious imagery and iconography, with the singer’s tenor dancing along the minimalist production. The chorus wubs and thumps, while the verses take a more pop approach.

As for the music video, directed by Darren Faires and KILYO himself, the costuming, visuals, and the gender-bending on display could give old Lady Gaga a run for her money. Boxes and labels are not things that KILYO prefers or cares for whatsoever, and it is that kind of going against the grain that may help bring this artist to a larger stage.

Listing influences such as No Doubt, Lana Del Rey, and the aforementioned Lady Gaga, KILYO is “here to make cool music and put on a fuckin’ show,” and if the video for “Everyday Jesus” is any indication, he is doing just that.

Watch the music video for “Everyday Jesus” below.



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