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Matt Hart Tells a Tale of Terra with 'Triolith'

Matt Hart Triolith EP

London industrial producer Matt Hart had a mother of a post-apocalyptic record in last year’s Terra 3808 (read our review here). Now, the leader of the Outlaws has unleashed Tales of Terra: Triolith, a companion EP explaining the story following the end of days, as told in his previous album.

A description of the album from its Bandcamp listing explains the lore of Triolith:

“After the events of 3808 we find humanity on its last legs. A world controlled by the machine. The Outlaws are hunkered down in a bunker only leaving to engage in reconnaissance missions. One of which ends in many casualties. What they find is a huge three tower structure - the TRIOLITH - in construction. What it’s for is unclear.

Here begins the ‘Tales of Terra’. Stories from a post 3808 world.“

The lead single, the titular “Triolith,” is a chugging electro-metal exercise in harsh rhythms and a more metal-oriented sensibility than even Terra 3808 had (and that’s an achievement, I would say). The rest of the EP features remixes from artists such as Xavier Swafford (3TEETH), Ryan Hawthorne (Witch of the Vale), and Christian Coulombe (NitroNoise).

Tales of Terra: Triolith is available for purchase and streaming now via Bandcamp.



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