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Moris Blak Rebuilds Danny Blu's "Sanctuary" In His Own Image

Every day, we stray further from God’s light, at least some would say. I choose to look at it as every day, we get closer to the Moris Blak remix album that some would say is a long time coming. The latest morsel that the Boston basshead has provided us is a remix of Danny Blu’s track “Sanctuary,” which comes not long after KANGA remixed Blu’s “White (K)night.”

While the original cut is a synthpop dream with a rocking bite in the chorus, Blak’s remix is reasonably wubby and even more upbeat than the source material. Where mid-tempo has always been his modus operandi, going with a faster pace and greater sense of urgency and danger makes this remix. Even with the bombshell bass and destructive drops, this remix feels different for Blak, but in a good way. Maybe it’s his treatment of Blu’s song, leaving some of the sleekier sound choices in, but this feels a bit more shiny, a bit more… dare I say, pretty(?) than his other remixes.

Granted, when you’re knocking it out of the park like Blak has been, there’s loads of room to do something different and new. In making this remix, he’s occupied as much of that space as possible, taking in the environment and making colorful magic out of it.

Listen to the Moris Blak remix of Danny Blu’s “Sanctuary”:



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