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[Trailer] Frost Isn't The Only Thing That Bites In 'Cold Ground'

The lucky ones freeze to death…

Filmed in the French Alps, Cold Ground is [allegedly] the first ever French found-footage film and its looking like a damn good one! A super 8, creature feature in the snow? Count me in! I remember seeing a video a while back that featured an inside look at the films creatures and I was instantly all in for this one! They're basically werewolves in the snow! I truly can't wait to see this one and today I'm proud to share this new trailer with you all!

Cold Ground was written and directed by Fabien Delage and stars Gala Besson, Doug Rand, Phillip Schurer, Geoffrey Blandin, Maura Tillay and Fabrice Pierre.


1976: Two young journalists leave for the French-Swiss border to investigate a strange case of cattle mutilations and record testimonies for a TV channel. Yet, once they get there, the scientific team they were supposed to meet has gone missing. Escorted by a first-aider, a British biologist and an American forensic investigator, Melissa and David will go looking for the missing team deep into the mountains.

Cold Ground won Best Scare and Best Sound (Guy Tourreau) at the 2017 Independent Horror Movie Awards! It was also nominated for Best Feature (Fabien Delage), Best Special Effects (David Scherer, Weixiao Xie) , Best Humor, Best Monster, and Best Gore (David Scherer)!

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