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Support House Shark On Indiegogo

"It's JAWS in a house!"

We here at CryptTeaze cannot wait to check out House Shark! The new feature film from indie film creator and founder of SRS Cinema, Ron Bonk. House Shark is completely finished and now has a newly launched Indiegogo campaign to help with the production and distribution of Blu-ray, DVD, and even VHS versions of the film. At the time of writing this, the campaign has already raised over $5,000 with a goal of $1,000! The amount is rising rapidly and stretch goals and perks continue to be added! Read on for more info about House Shark!

So what are you waiting for?! Visit the campaign page and secure your perk today!

Ron Bonk on House Shark, "I’ve always wanted to do an homage to “Jaws”, one of my top 10 all-time favorite movies, even having attempted to write a “Jaws” sequel in my much younger years. But until now, I never quite hit on what my shark movie would be about. Basically, "House Shark" is what it sounds like… “Jaws” in a house.I'm really excited about the final movie. It was a difficult shoot, and more work than I even anticipated. And working with a 14ft shark prop in the tight quarters of my own home gave me just the (VERY) slightest of inkling to what Steven Spielberg must have gone through during the troubled production of his movie. But we did it, and in the end there's a funny, scary and small-scale epic movie for you all to see. I think fans of the original classic will love this movie, and hopefully make it an early summer horror movie viewing tradition, much like many people do nowadays with "Jaws".

House Shark premiered late in 2017 at the prestigious "Nightmares Film Festival" (currently #2 rated on Film Freeway) where it received several nominations and took home the trophy for "Best Horror Comedy"!


Just when you thought it was safe to go home! When Frank (Trey Harrison) finds his happy home under attack by a dangerous but largely unknown breed of shark, he's enlists the aid of the world's only "House Shark" Expert, Zachary (Michael Merchant), and a grizzled former real estate agent, Abraham (Wes Reid), to embark on a desperate quest to destroy the beast and claim back his life. It's JAWS in a house!

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