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'Dude Bro Party Massacre III' Capsule Collection From Cavitycolors

"Motherface lurks nearby. She know's the bro's deepest fears!"

The Dude Bro Party Massacre III Limited Edition Capsule Collection is now available from Cavitycolors! Featuring another bro-tastic shirt design from Devon Whitehead and a Motherface woven patch designed by Hillary White.

Don'y let a bro miss out! Shop now at!

The 3rd film in the cult series debuted in the late 80’s. Due to it’s excessive violence, it was immediately banned from TV and home video with an executive order by president Ronald Reagan. Now, the only remaining copy of the film exists on a single VHS tape, SHUDDER, & Amazon Prime! It’s a great love letter to the absurd slasher craze that will leave you dying with laughter, or barfing uncontrollably.

With a high body count, tons of blood, beer, and a psycho killer known as MOTHERFACE! It’s definitely worth checking out.

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