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'The Dark Heart Of Jason Voorhees: The Making Of The Final Friday' Gets A Stunning New Poste

To commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Jason Goes To Hell, The Dark Heart of Jason Voohees crew released a recently donated promotional artwork all the way from a city called Saarbruecken, in southwest Germany! This amazing poster art was donated by Rod Lane and is very reminiscent of the original Jason Goes To Hell poster. Check it out below!

The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees: The Making of The Final Friday is an upcoming horror film documentary, directed by Nick Hunt and produced by the director of Jason Goes To Hell, Adam Marcus.

“Through interviews and behind the scenes details, you will understand the unique landscape the series was in at the time, having just changed studios and already being on the road to the eventual Freddy vs. Jason film which wouldn’t see release for another 10 years. You will see the unusual hand Adam Marcus was dealt and the immense pressure and scrutiny which was placed on him during production. And you will see genre greats, both who were in the film and not, weigh in on Jason’s journey to hell.

In Jason Goes to Hell, you learned secrets about Jason you never knew before! In The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees, you will understand what was and what could have been about The Final Friday!”

“Jason Goes to Hell is one of the most highly criticized but highly talked about entries in the entire franchise and in my estimation it took pure balls to make that film. I want this documentary to clear things up and for people to hear it directly out of the horse’s mouth. I want them to hear The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Plus get up-close-and-personal with all of the people that were involved in making the film,” said director Nick Hunt.

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