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'Masters Of The Grind' Pays Tribute To Grindhouse Filmmakers, Indiegogo Campaign Launched

The most outrageous movies of all time and the directors who made them.

Masters of the Grind is a labor of love from filmmaker Jason Rutherford. He recently launched an Indiegogo campaign to support this feature film and to pay tribute to Grindhouse filmmakers, the unsung heroes of independent cinema. Please take a moment to read further details on this project and support the campaign if possible, even sharing helps!

"The Masters of the Grind campaign is important to me because I feel I have an obligation to finish the film for the people that are still with us and those who have passed away and the people that have been patiently waiting to see it," says Rutherford. "I also feel that most of what these guys share has never really been covered in a film or extra. The collective world that these men share even though most of them never worked with each other paints a broader picture of the story of Grindhouse film making."

Rutherford continues, "I feel the film is valuable because even though Masters of the Grind is about the exploitation genre. It's really about a film movement and the struggles of yesterday and how it relates to the struggles of today. I believe it was easier to make a film back then because the market wasn't as diluted and everyone and their brother wasn't making a film on their I Phone thus the world of modern Exploitation/Horror films is saturated with mediocrity."

Vinegar Syndrome, Grindhouse Releasing and VCI have offered up some awesome perks including cool Blu-rays and DVD's including Malibu High, I Drink Your Blood, The Corpse Grinders, Satan's Cheerleaders, Massacre Mafia Style, Black Shampoo, Cannibal Holocaust and more. All donations over $35 get the Masters of the Grind Blu ray and One-Sheet!

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