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[Trailer] 'Camp Death III In 2D' Spoofs 'Friday The 13th Part III'

"The most terrible good movie you'll ever see!"

I can't help but get excited for horror parodies. There's just something about them that I find wildly fun and entertaining and Camp Death III in 2D looks like an insanely good time! Give the trailer below a watch and let us know if you agree in the comments section!

Camp Crystal Meph has reopened but the curse of scurvy ravaged killer Johann Van Damme (Terry Mullet) continues to cause murder & mayhem. Assisted by his chronically ill-tempered Uncle Mel (Darren Andrichuk), Head Counsellor and epic nitwit Todd Boogjumper (Dave Peniuk) has given the camp a new direction as a rehab center for violent & woefully lame-brained adults. Joined by his sweet-natured girlfriend Rachel Diaz (Angela Galanopoulos) and the optimistic, wheelchair bound Barry Brown (Chris Allen), Todd tackles the herculean task of trying to rehabilitate these incurable imbeciles. Yet an unseen evil begins to violently cut down campers & staff alike. Has Johann risen from the grave or is this the heinous work of a copycat?"

Written and directed by Matt Frame, Camp Death III in 2D took over 4 years to complete and was partially financed by the director walking for 24 hours straight with a coconut chained to his waist. True story.

The film will be screening at the following festivals:

  • Nightmares Film Fest (Columbus)

  • Requiem Fear Fest (Montreal)

  • Sin City Horror Fest (Las Vegas)

  • Cinematic Panic (Memphis)

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