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'The Barn Part II' Is Now Funding On Indiegogo

The Barn 2 Indiegogo

One of my favorite films of recent years has to be 2016's The Barn, a film that takes all of the awesomeness of the '80s, blood, boobs, iconic killers, and a rocking soundtrack, and crams it into one hell of an exciting feature. So, you can imagine my excitement when I woke to the news that a sequel is currently being funded on Indiegogo!

Here's what we know of the sequel so far, the surviving cast is returning including Linnea Quigley and Ari Lehman. It’s a continuation of the first film and takes place in the early 1990s. Of course, it will be a Halloween flick and it may contain zombies!

Via the Indiegogo Campaign:

"There are many questions that went unanswered in PART 1: What happens to Sam and Josh and Michelle, does Ms. Barnhart stay true to her word to ban Halloween in Helen’s Valley, and what was up with The Boogeyman’s helmet having the name DANIELS written on it (ya know our hero Sam’s last name)? Well to be honest the original film was written to setup the story arc in the event of a sequel and keep an authentic flow. I want this next film to have the same fun schlocky charm as the first, but be much darker, creepier and gorier…more monsters, more kills, more Halloween!"

This is an ALL or NOTHING campaign, so if the goal isn't met, then no sequel and we don't want that. Funds would go to actors, crew, meals, upgrading equipment, rentals, set designs, costumes, SFX, VFX, Sound mixing, music, key art (a new poster from Sadist Art Designs), marketing of the film, perk fulfillment costs and shipping expenses plus platform fees and much much more.

There are some amazing perks available for those who contribute to the campaign, from Blu-ray and VHS copies of the film to screen used props and the chance to be killed killed on screen by Linnea Quigley or Ari Lehman!

Please, check out the campaign at and like The Barn on Facebook to stay up to date on further details!

If you haven't seen the first film, it's currently available from Scream Team Releasing.

The Barn Poster

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