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Here's The First Image Of Original Suzy Bannion Actress Jessica Harper In This Year's 'S

Luca Guadagnino's remake of Dario Argento's Suspiria has been making all sorts of positive waves in the horror community. CryptTeaze's Sean Ellis recently reviewed the film, stating that it's a "beautifully demented upgrade."

Jessica Harper, who played Suzy Bannion in the original film, returns in Guadagnino's film as a character named Anke, the wife of Dr. Klemperer, who's brilliantly played by Tilda Swinton.

Harper detailed her role to Entertainment Weekly this week.

“So, I play the love interest of this character Dr. Klemperer,” Harper told EW. “So, this character Dr. Klemperer, lost his wife many many years before, and spends much of his time longing for her, and hoping somehow their paths will cross again. He doesn’t know what became of her, all those years before. So, I magically reappear, and then some other magic happens, which I don’t want to spoil. But [Swinton] and I get to play this sort of romantic story at the center of this movie, which is really fun. It’s this lovely emotional thread that cuts through the center of the movie.”

She continued, “The shoot for me was pretty brief. I was only involved for a few days, because my part was a small part. The shoot for others was long and difficult because they were in an abandoned hotel on a hilltop in Italy. And I was there too and I know it was difficult. It was cold and dark and scary. It was like a haunted house, which was kind of appropriate, but not ideal shooting circumstances. But I had a wonderful time. Because I was the star of the original movie, when I walked on the set you would have thought I was David Bowie. [Laughs] I sort of had a celebrity moment, which was so sweet.”

Harper shared the first image of herself in the remake via Twitter.

Suspiria is in theaters this weekend. Check theaters and get your tickets HERE.

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