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[Trailer] 'Prodigy' Warns That The Earth Will Go Black In Three Days

Writer-director Nathan Leon’s Prodigy, nominated for 4 ICFF Awards Including Best Picture, premieres on VOD this December. The trailer has been posted below, check it out.

"Erik Black is a broken soul due to the loss of his wife. He spends his days alone and self-medicating. All of that changes when his estranged son asks him to help him reach an undisclosed destination. There, he says, he will receive a divine message he believes will change the course of humanity. To survive they must stick together while fostering a belief in something greater than themselves."

Prodigy, starring Tyler Roy Roberts (“Z Nation”), Cory Kays (Looking for Andrew) and King Amir Allahyar (Façade), on VOD December 4th and DVD January 1st from Uncork’d Entertainment.

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