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P.J. Starks Launches Indiegogo Campaign For 'Devil's Knight: Volumes of Blood 3'

Blood Moon Pictures was started in 2015 by creator/producer P.J. Starks and producer Eric Huskisson after the first Volumes of Blood took everyone by surprise, garnering tons of praise from both critics and horror fans alike.

Now, the filmmakers are asking for your help to complete the Volumes of Blood trilogy and have launched an Indiegogo to raise funds for Devil's Knight: Volumes of Blood 3.

Volumes of Blood was always intended to use practical special effects and Devil's Knight is no different. It is VERY special effects heavy with over 40+ individual kill sequences, your contributions will help P.J. and crew achieve those kickass practical effects that we all love!

They are some pretty awesome perks for contributing as well. From an Exclusive Digital Devil's Knight Poster that you can only get by contributing and created by the insanely talented Michael Broom, who has worked on dozens of motion pictures and television projects including "The Walking Dead," "American Horror Story" and Blade Runner 2049. There are also tons of other cool things like Blu-rays, pop sockets, a chance to own the Volumes of Blood trilogy, chances to see your face in the film, t-shirts, sound tracks and more!

With a very achievable goal of $15,000 and a two month campaign, there's no doubt in our minds that the horror community will make this a successfully funded project!

If you'd like to contribute to Devil's Knight: Volumes of Blood 3, you can do so HERE.

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