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Anne Hathaway Has Been Offered A Role In Robert Zemeckis Adaptation Of 'The Witches'

Robert Zemeckis The Witches

Earlier this year, it was revealed that Robert Zemeckis would be directing a new adaptation of The Witches, originally adapted by the late Nicolas Roeg in 1990. Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron are on board to produce.

Variety now reports that Anne Hathaway has been offered a role in the film and that “the actress is fielding an offer for Robert Zemeckis’ The Witches.” That doesn't mean she'll take the role but at least the film is still happening.

Based on the 1983 novel, the film follows a seven-year-old boy who has a run in with real-life witches. Sources close to the project say Zemeckis’ version will be more rooted in the original source material, while the Roeg film was a loose adaptation.

Anne Hathaway The Witches

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