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Jóhann Jóhannsson’s Score For 'Mandy' Deserves An Oscar But Is Ineligible

Mandy Jóhann Jóhannsson Score Oscar Academy Awards

Hands down, one of the best film scores of the year is Jóhann Jóhannsson’s for Mandy and we're sure that many would love to see Jóhannsson's contribution to the film receive an Oscar. Jóhannsson, who passed away earlier this year, had been previously nominated for The Theory of Everything and Sicario.

Sadly, we've learned via Variety, that Mandy is ineligible for consideration in the Academy Awards, meaning Jóhannsson's magnificent score is also ineligible. The reason being that Mandy "was released on VOD before it completed its qualifying [theatrical] run," barring the film from the ceremony.

Honestly, as much as we'd love to see it, Mandy probably wouldn't have been nominated regardless, but Jóhannsson's score definitely deserves the recognition.

Check out a track from the film below.

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