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[Trailer] Revenge Never Dies In 'Friday The 13th' Fan Film 'Jason Rising'

Jason Rising Fan Film

We've been seeing a major influx of Friday the 13th fan films being made in the wake of the franchise's legal issues that have all but halted any future official entries, most recently Voorhees and Friday the 13th: Vengeance. Today, we have another promising looking fan film to share with you.

This one is titled Jason Rising and comes from filmmakers James Sweet, Karl Whinnery and Robert Blanche. The team are hoping to raise $30,000 to make the film a reality.

“Jason Rising is a story about Officer Pete Daltry on the hunt of a fugitive on the run after escaping from the Wessex County corrections farm and headed in the direction of Camp Crystal Lake. He is accompanied by two agents from the fugitive recovery team but when they enter the hollowed grounds of the camp they find out they are the hunted.”

All funding will go toward the campaign. It will be used to create more special effects, to better tell the story as well as higher quality perks such as digipack DVDs with mini posters, and possibly VHS tapes etc.

Head on over to the Indiegogo campaign to contribute or visit for more info!

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