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Anne Hathaway Takes Role Of Grand High Witch In New Adaptation Of 'The Witches'

Anne Hathaway Grand High Witch The Witches

Last month, we had heard that she was offered the role, but Deadline confirms this afternoon that Anne Hathaway has officially signed on for Robert Zemeckis’ new adaptation of The Witches.

Hathaway takes on the role of the Grand High Witch in the upcoming film based on Roald Dahl’s 1983 novel, which was also adapted in 1990 by the late Nicolas Roeg. The Grand High Witch was played by Anjelica Huston in that film.

Deadline reports, “We also hear Viola Davis is circling the project as well.”

We recently learned the film will be set in the Gothic South in the 1960s with Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron producing.

The film follows a seven-year-old boy who has a run in with real-life witches. Sources close to the project say Zemeckis’ version will be more rooted in the original source material, while the Roeg film was a loose adaptation.

Anne Hathaway Grand High Witch The Witches

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