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Remake Director Paul Feig Comments On Jason Reitman's 'Ghostbusters'

Paul Feig Jason Reitman Ghostbusters

A few days back, Ghostbusters remake star Leslie Jones took to Twitter to vent her feelings on Jason Reitman's upcoming sequel to the original film. She said that Sony had pulled "such a dick move" by disregarding Paul Feig‘s remake in favor of returning to the original storyline.

She tweeted, “So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice) ”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!”

She went on to say, “When the point is if they make this new one with all men and it does well which it will.It might feel that “boys are better” it makes my heart drop. Maybe I could have use different words but I’m allowed to have my feelings just like them.”

And now, Feig is getting in on the action, supporting Jones' comments but also admitting he's open to Reitman's vision.

“An absolute honest to God never ending supply of bullshit and hate from these trolls,” He tweeted, referring to all the hate Jones has gotten for her comments. “Leslie spoke her truth and I support her. I am very open to Jason’s new version of GB but am also sad that our 2016 team may not get to bust again. We all are. We’re forever proud of our movie.”

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