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'After The Lethargy' Poster Comes Face-To-Face With An Extraterrestrial Being

Ahead of the European Film Market in Berlin (February 7th-15th), Devilworks has added sci-fi thriller After the Lethargy to its slate, and have also released the film's trailer and sales art.

From writer/director/producer Marc Carrete (Asmodexia, Framed), the film won Best Scare at the 2018 Horror Movie Awards and Best Sci-Fi at 2018 New York City Horror Film Festival.

“The film follows reporter Sara (Andrea Guasch) who travels to the hot spot where one of the most extraordinary contacts with extraterrestrials in history supposedly took place. A forest ranger (Joe Manjón) and a sinister villager (Ramon Canals), accompany the girl, helping her to overcome the dangers that nature entails. However, despite good intentions, they will soon be attacked by a creature that lives in the depths of the forest, being forced to take refuge in an old abandoned military barracks.”

Starring Andrea Guasch (Submergence), Joe Manjón (Framed, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote), Ramon Canals (Asmodexia) and Mark Schardan (Realive). After The Lethargy was produced under Marc Carret’s Spanish production companies After The Lethargy AIE and Creatures of the Dark and is his first feature in English.

The press release explains, After the Lethargy is an all-out monster, promising a mesmerizing mix of terror and adventure, all the while evoking memories of cult ’80s creations such as Creepshow or the “Tales from the Crypt” series – both major influences on Carreté. With most of the action taking place in the thick of the woods, After the Lethargy finds the local police force confirming the presence of a “code 86” in the National Park. Despite initial skepticism, everything suggests that some kind of beast – of origin unknown – may have woken up from its “lethargy.”

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