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[Images] 'Downton Abbey' Meets 'Evil Dead' In 'Here Comes Hell'

Here Comes Hell Jack McHenry Evil Dead Downton Abbey

Jack McHenry's horror comedy Here Comes Hell will host its World Premiere at the upcoming Arrow Video FrightFest Glasgow 2019 on March 1st, and today we've got the first images and poster art from the film to share with you.

Shot on a budget of £22,000, the micro-indie film follows a 1930’s dinner party that descends into carnage, gore and demonic possession.

“The idea came about when I was watching David Lean’s Blithe Spirit and was like: what would happen if instead of his wife coming back and it being funny, it turned into a full-on horror picture?” Henry said about the film being described as “Downtown Abbey” meets Evil Dead.

“I’ve always been a massive fan of Agatha Christie and early Hitchcock, but also at the same time I love horror movies like Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead and Peter Jackson’s Braindead and this movie allowed me to combine these two elements in a really fun way.”

“I wanted a lot of the gore and monster effects to be in camera, and have that old school feel about them. Nothing beats puppets and real blood," he added in regards to the film's gory elements.

Here Comes Hell Jack McHenry Evil Dead Downton Abbey

Here Comes Hell Jack McHenry Evil Dead Downton Abbey

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