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Black Fawn Distribution Launches New Video On Demand Service For Canadian Horror Fans

Black Fawn Video On Demand

To put things rather bluntly, Canada-based Black Fawn Distribution totally kicks ass when it comes to distributing quality horror films! In fact, I don't think I've seen a film from them that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed. Bite, Let Her Out, and Antisocial, to name a few. So it brings me great joy to let our Canadian readers know that Black Fawn has announced the launch of their new Video on Demand service entitled Black Fawn VOD (Black Fawn Video on Demand).

Black Fawn VOD launches with over ten titles including fan favorites The Sublet, In the House of Flies and The Heretics, along with the titles mentioned above, some of which haven’t been available in HD until now. Fans can simply visit the website and digitally rent films via their credit card for a 72 hour period. The company is promising that their price-point for digital rentals will be the lowest on the market while exclusive behind the scenes content and special features will accompany each rental. New releases and additional catalog titles will be added each month while a membership option is expected to arrive in the near future.

“Black Fawn VOD provides an outlet where our films are now more readily available on-line and on the go,” states Black Fawn Distribution’s Operations Manager Chris Benn. “We know that piracy is still a big challenge for all filmmakers out there and we felt that the best way to combat that was to provide quick access to a quality digital format for a fair and reasonable price. We know that film fans across Canada love supporting filmmakers as directly as possible and they also want to watch great Canadian content. This avenue allows them to do both of those things at the same time.”

The site officially launched this morning to coincide with National Canadian Film Day and can be visited at the following link:

You can get a taste of Black Fawn's excellence in the video below.

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