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[Trailer] Throwback Slasher 'Don't Look' Takes A Wrong Turn To Hell

Don't Look Wild Eye Trailer

This May, take a wrong turn to hell.

Luciana Faulhaber’s unique, female-directed twist on horror films Don’t Look releases on VOD and DVD May 14th from Wild Eye Releasing.

Scripted by Jessica Boucher and Danielle Killay, Don’t Look centers on five New York City Millennials who escape the big city for a rustic Thanksgiving weekend in the country. But as will happen in horror, something threatens to shatter their peaceful getaway and they are targeted for murder.

The film, Faulhaber’s debut, recreates “the pure fun of 80’s classics like Friday the 13th, The Burning or April Fool’s Day” (Nightmarish Conjurings) with a modern twist.

Faulhaber stars in the film alongside Jeff Berg, Jarrod Robbins, Curtis K. Case, Lindsay Eshelman, and Javier E. Gómez.

Director and co-producer Faulhaber says of the film: “It was important for me to create work that shows the female characters as they are in real life – none of us are waiting to be saved by some prince charming.”

Check out the trailer below. Pre-order now on DVD.

Don't Look DVD Wild Eye Trailer

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