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Sean Cunningham's 'The New Kids Releasing On Blu-ray In VHS Packaging

New Kids Retro VHS Blu-ray

Half a decade after changing the face of horror with Friday the 13th, Sean Cunningham directed The New Kids, an often overlooked '80s gem that's finally making its way to Blu-ray!

Keeping the retro '80s vibe alive, the film will fittingly come packaged in VHS packaging!

In The New Kids, "Abby McWilliams' nightmare begins when she attracts the unwanted attention of teenage psychopath Eddie Dutra. Turned down for a date, Eddie destroys Abby's home, vandalizes her uncle's car and nearly stomps her brother to death. But it's only when he kidnaps Abby from the school dance, that Eddie shows his true feelings. Fueled by cocaine and armed with a shotgun, Eddie's lust turns to uncontrollable rage, as he takes Abby on a date from hell."

The film stars Lori Loughlin ("Full House"), James Spader ("The Blacklist"), Shannon Presby, and Eric Stolz.

The Blu-ray is set for release on August 13th. You can pre-order your copy today.

New Kids Retro VHS Blu-ray

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