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[Podcast] A Double Dose Of Dekker: 'The Monster Squad' And 'Night Of The Creeps'

Fred Dekker Podcast Ellissinema

Featuring incredible makeup effects and immortal one-liners, Fred Dekker's The Monster Squad and Night of the Creeps are two of the definitive horror movies of the '80s, and Crypt Teaze's Sean Ellis wholeheartedly agrees with this as he credits BOTH films for playing a significant role in developing his love for the horror genre.

In two of the most recent episodes of Ellissinema Podcast, which Sean owns and operates, Sean spews his love for both of these ambitious and beloved films, while also covering the newest Blu-ray releases for each. With both Monster Squad and Night of the Creeps, Dekker combined everything he loved about exploitation, horror and sci-fi, into glorious, savory treats that perplexingly flew under the radar at the time of their release. But for some fans, including myself and Sean, like fine wine, the more they age, the better they taste. Over 30 years later, these gems will satisfy your nostalgic urges and leave you begging for more.

Full of heart and insane amounts of talent, if you haven't seen these films, I urge you to check out both episodes of Ellissinema below and let Sean convince you to do so! 30+ years is an awfully long time to hold out, so what are you waiting for?

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