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[Podcast] Family Fun Night Episode 16: 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2' ft. Joe Knetter (Part 1)

Sequels in horror aren’t immune from the trend we see in all of cinema. There are some follow-ups to classics that are obvious cash-grabs, feeling like they were never meant to be made in the first place. That’s not to say that sequels in horror never work, it’s just that there are fewer marks in the W column than maybe we’d like.

One of those big W’s is Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part II, coming over a decade after the 1974 original with more gore, more humor, and a whole lot of star power. Between Bill Moseley, Caroline Williams, and Dennis Hopper, this film is one of the most celebrated seconds in all of horror. So who better to join us for a discussion of TCMII than a man who’s writing a horror sequel of his own, Joe Knetter, who wrote the screenplay for Marcel Walz’s Blind (review), as well as the upcoming sequel and love letter to Eighties slashers, Pretty Boy?

Knetter joins our panel for this one, as he and our own writers Chase Will, Robyn Luddite, and Lucas Liner discuss the all-time classic. Between Joe’s novel Zombie Bukkake, his work on films such as Hatchet III and Victory Crowley, and his time as an interviewee for History Channel, there’s a lot of meat on these bones.

Catch part one below, and stay tuned for part two of this hilarious discussion:



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