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[Trailer] Shipwrecked Survivors Fend Off Vampire-Like Creatures In 'Blood Vessel'

Blood Vessel Justin Dix Movie Trailer

Crawlspace director Justin Dix returned to the director's chair for the first time since 2012 for next years Blood Vessel, a Nazi-themed maritime horror film that sees survivors of a torpedoed hospital ship facing off against a whole ship load of vampire-like creatures.

Check out the film's official trailer below!

Set somewhere in the North Atlantic, late 1945. A lift raft adrift at sea, and in it, the survivors of a torpedoed hospital ship: With no food, water, or shelter, all seems lost - until an abandoned German minesweeper drifts ominously towards them, giving them one last chance at survival.

"As they explore the ship, it becomes all too clear that some diabolical fate has befallen its German crew. The mystery only deepens when they encounter a young Romanian girl, who leads them to a locked storage room in the bowels of the vessel. Inside, a frantic German sailor and a haul of Nazi treasure, including the ancient sarcophagi of two long-dead vampires…"

"Suddenly, our ragtag group of heroes are faced with an all-new threat, forced into action against a supernatural reckoning older and deadlier even than the war they thought they were escaping."

Blood Vessel stars Nathan Phillips, Alyssa Sutherland, Christopher Kirby, and John Lloyd Fillingham. Dix co-wrote the film with Jordan Prosser.

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