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Jason Climbs Out Of The NES Game For Fan Film 'Friday The 13th: Game Over'

Friday the 13th: Game Over Fan Film Indiegogo

I'm sure you all remember the 1989 Nintendo game that was loosely based on the Friday the 13th franchise, with its purple Jason, zombies attacking counselors as they try to save children, and its now-iconic game over screen line, "You and your friends are dead."

Well, a new fan film based on the classic game is now funding on Indiegogo from filmmaker Michael Ramova, titled Friday the 13th: Game Over.

Get the full details on the project via an official statement from Ramova below:

"I'm a filmmaker with 22 years of experience as a Director, Writer, Cinematographer and Editor. I also have 25 years of experience as an Illustrator and Artist.

I loved the 1989 LJN Friday the 13th video game when I was a kid! Adding zombies to Crystal Lake was a phenomenal idea! It was a more frightening scenario that just having one maniac trying to kill you. I always wished for a movie version of the game but it never happened... we can make it happen.

We want to shoot a large scale fan film based on the 1989 Nintendo LJN video game. Purple Jason, zombies attacking counselors as they save children by throwing "rocks" the enemies. Two years ago I shot a really small scale version of this concept. I ran an Indiegogo campaign asking for $1000 and folks donated. Thankfully many were very pleased with the short... except me. The film was incredibly rushed (shot in two days), under budget, did everything alone and my friends were the actors. I figured people would laugh at the ridiculous idea of a purple Jason chasing green, blue, red campers with zombies everywhere, so I didn't take it seriously. Quite the contrary, people loved the idea and you guys even wanted a sequel! I want to make a much better, bigger, bloodier, sexier, longer film with real actors and great special effects. I want to give this another swing and again I need your help.

I want to translate the game to film. 8-Bit Jason, different color counselors, zombies, cabins, children getting rescued, the weapons in the video game, etc. The movie is set up in the 1980s. The story is pretty simple, counselors getting killed in creative horrifying grotesque ways by Jason and the zombies. Two endings: In one ending a female counselor wins and in the other "you and your friends are dead". I want it to feel like Fulci and Carpenter got together to make this movie.

Since I want to make a more professional slick-looking film this time I will need $13,000. I want to make a 13-15 minute short and each minute cost about $1000. The money will be used for gas, actors, special effects, props, crew, fog, equipment, and unexpected costs. I also, want to hire artists to help me with the creation of posters and publicity. This is a fixed funding project, so either we do this right or we do something else in the future. Jason deserves a kick-ass fun bloody film and I need you guys to help me make this happen."

Now I don't know about you, but I personally love this film's premise and would love for it to come to fruition. If you feel the same, I encourage you to head on over to the Indiegogo campaign and contribute!

Not only will you be supporting an awesome project, you'll also be able to score some amazing perks. There are T-shirts, signed postcards, posters, CDs and much more. You can own the original storyboards used to make the movie or own one of the many cool props and masks from the sets. There will be Blu-ray which is only available through this campaign. It will have an uncensored longer version of the movie (from the YouTube version). The Blu-ray will also be packed with extras and have all the fan films Ramova has created throughout his career. One of the best perks from the campaign has to be the exclusive Nintendo video game cartridge box! The packaging will resemble a vintage NES box but with the graphics and images from the film!

Friday the 13th: Game Over Fan Film

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