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Shawn Burkett's 'Stranded' Aims To Be The Most Insane Bigfoot Movie Ever Made

Stranded Shawn Burkett Bigfoot Indiegogo

After directing the werewolf flick Betsy and the controversial creature feature Don't Fuck in the Woods, filmmaker Shawn Burkett is turning his attention to Bigfoot with Stranded, which is currently funding on Indiegogo.

The film follows a group of siblings into the wilderness to fulfill their mother’s request of scattering her ashes in a location where she was fond of as a child. Along the way the siblings are forced to hash out issues and reopen old wounds before they become stranded on an old country road where they come face to face with the infamous bigfoot.

The campaign details, "Stranded is an action packed, survival of the fittest Creature Feature! Filled with suspense, horror and 100% practical gore FX and stunts, this film will deliver a new level of terror!"

The film's cast includes Dale Miller (Halloween [2018], Tragedy Girls), Julie Anne Prescott (Clown Motel, Teacher Shortage), Brittany Blanton (Don't Fuck In The Woods, Trespassing), Mike Pleska (Betsy, Trespassing), Payton Pleska (The Lamb, The Funhouse Massacre), Harper Dawahare (Wicked Ones, The Rave) and Rob Collins (Trespassing) as Bigfoot.

Perks include everything from social media shoutouts to physical copies of the film to being killed on screen by Bigfoot! We urge you to head on over to the campaign page and contribute today!

Stranded Shawn Burkett Poster

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