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Stephen King's House In Maine To Become A Non-Profit Museum And Writers Retreat

Stephen King House Bangor Museum Writers Retreat

Built in 1858 and purchased by Stephen King in 1980, King's iconic house in Bangor, Maine has been a major tourist stop for fans for years now, with many stopping to take photos in front of the house's ornate gate, hoping to to catch a glimpse of the legendary author. Well, you'll soon get the chance to hang out at King's Bangor abode!

Rolling Stone reports today that the Bangor City Council unanimously approved a request by King and his wife Tabitha to rezone their home as a non-profit museum, allowing it to house an archive of King’s work, as well as a writers retreat!

The house will eventually become a King archive/museum, which will allow visits by appointment. Up to five writers at a time will also be able to use the house as a retreat.

"The King Family has been wonderful to the City of Bangor over time and have donated literally millions of dollars to various causes in the community," one of the city councilors, Ben Sprague, told Rolling Stone. "Preserving his legacy here in Bangor is important for this community."

Bangor's history and myth was the inspiration for the fictional town of Derry in Stephen King’s novel IT. Fans will also recognize many landmarks from the novel during Stephen King’s "Derry" tour.

Stephen King House Museum Writers Retreat

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