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Sink Your Teeth Into Adam Steigert's 'Fang' On Streaming And Blu-Ray/DVD This Halloween

Adam Steitgert Fang Streaming Blu-ray DVD

If you're like me and love practical effects-laden werewolf flicks, you'll want to check out Adam Steigert's (A Grim Becoming, Ombis Alien Invasion) Fang, which is now available to stream, as well as on Blu-ray and DVD!

In the film that promises "a bold new vision of the werewolf mythology," one night, local junkies Chloe and Joe make a choice that will forever seal their fate when they turn into criminals on the run. With no place to hide, they take a road trip; only to find they’re not running from the law, but for their lives as they’re stalked and hunted by creatures of the unknown.

Fang stars Melantha Blackthorne (Death Wish), Gregory Blair (Garden Party Massacre), Melodie Roehrig (The First Purge), Jennie Russo (Night of Something Strange) and Jason John Beebe (Sharknado 2: The Second One).

The press release adds that Steitgert "brings his unique storytelling to life as he introduces The Horrific Evil Monsters, the connection piece to Fang. This ensemble cast of monsters teams up to take on a biblical force that threatens to destroy not only them, but everyone else with it. Currently in post-production with a 2020 release date, watch Fang to meet the first monster!"

From now until Halloween you can get 50% off of a Digital copy or rental of the film by using the code "FANG" on Amazon or Vimeo!

Although, if you want to experience a behind-the-scenes look at the film and director's commentary, I recommend sinking your fangs into a hard copy of the film on Blu-ray or DVD!

Adam Steigert Fang Poster
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