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Hex Studios To Release Limited Edition Of Festival Hit 'Here Comes Hell'

Here Comes Hell DVD Hex Studios

Following a successful festival run, Jack McHenry’s genre-bending directorial debut Here Comes Hell is headed to DVD this December via Hex Studios. Described as The Old Dark House meets The Evil Dead, the stylish horror-comedy is an homage to classic horror, with a bloody twist.

Filmed in black and white, Here Comes Hell follows the plight of a group of 1930s socialites attending a dinner party in a dilapidated mansion. Bloody mayhem ensues when their host coerces them into performing a séance, accidentally opening the gates of hell.

The release follows the success of Hex Studios’ sell-out Limited Edition of arthouse horror Frankenstein’s Creature. According to Hex founder Lawrie Brewster, “Five minutes into the film we knew that Here Comes Hell was a perfect fit for our DVD label. Bold, original, charming, and made with an obvious passion for storytelling and practical effects, it’s simply an utterly entertaining watch, and we’re so proud and excited to be doing a physical release for this future cult classic.”

Packed with extras, including a commentary from Sam Ashurst (Arrow Video Podcast) and a revealing behind the scenes documentary, the beautifully-packaged Limited Edition DVD is available exclusively on the Hex Studios website, where you can pre-order now, in advance of its December release.

Here Comes Hell DVD Hex Studios

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