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Sean Haitz Looks To Bring 'Cannibal Comedian' To The Stage With GoFundMe Campaign

Cannibal Comedian Sean Haitz GoFundMe

This next comic kills onstage and off.

Sean Haitz, the director behind the grungy Big Top Evil (read my review), has a new project in the works. Cannibal Comedian will commence principal photography in the spring, but even the low-budget films need a little capital. The campaign on GoFundMe is seeking $25,000, though the aforementioned Big Top Evil, which saw a cameo role by the legendary Chop Top himself, Bill Moseley, had double that for a budget.

The teaser has some groan-inducing puns, all surrounding murder and flesh consumption, but there is something to be said about a film that refuses to take itself seriously. This almost feels like a lower-tier A Bucket of Blood, where an accidental success story has a darker secret behind his work. In any case, a schlocky horror-comedy never goes out of style, so let us see if the titular comic will be the last comic standing.

Head on over to the GoFundMe campaign to learn more and contribute.

Watch the teaser for Cannibal Comedian below.

Cannibal Comedian Sean Haitz GoFundMe

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