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Gory Paper-Cut Animated Horror 'Attack of the Demons' Comes to Virtual Cinemas on Halloween Eve

Following its well-received festival run, Eric Power's (Path of Blood) paper-cut animated horror film Attack of the Demons will be arriving just in time for Halloween.

Attack of the Demons releases in virtual cinemas October 30th, and then On Demand and DVD on November 3rd from Dark Star Pictures.

"The year is 1994 – For centuries, a demonic cult has been plotting the destruction of mankind. When a small Colorado town is overrun by a legion of mutating demons, three non-demon hunter friends must use every skill their minds can fathom to stave off the demon apocalypse."

A wildly charming blend of "South Park" and The Evil Dead, the frighteningly-fun animated horror film is the perfect horror treat for adults.

Attack of the Demons features the voices of Andreas Petersen, Thomas Petersen, Katie Maguire and Eric Power.

In their review, Lucas wrote "Attack of the Demons has a lot of character and heart behind it, despite its flaws. You can tell that director/writer Eric Power held this as a passion project, and the handiwork shows."

Check out the trailer and release artwork below.



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