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Growing Up Never Sucked More in the Trailer for Queer Vampire Movie 'Bit'

Bit Trailer Brad Michael Elmore

Following its Outfest premiere, our own Lucas Liner had a lot of great things to say about Brad Michael Elmore‘s vampire movie Bit in his review, back when the film didn't even have an official trailer. In his glowing review he stated that the film will "leave fans of queer horror cheering in their seats."

Well, if you've been waiting for to check out the "punk rock vampire fever dream," you'll be very happy to know that it'll be biting into VOD platforms this week! The official trailer has also been unveiled and can be viewed below.

"Bit is the story of Laurel (Nicole Maines), a teenage transgender girl who moves to LA and falls in with a gang of intersectional feminist vampires. Not knowing if they want to kill her, befriend her or turn her, Laurel learns to understand the love and dangers of her new and first group of friends."

Diana Hopper, Zolee Griggs, Char Diaz and Friday Chamberlain also star in the film.

Vertical Entertainment will release Bit on Vudu, iTunes and Amazon on Friday, April 24th.



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