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Jason Goes Slashing Through the Snow in Winter-Set Prequel 'Never Hike in the Snow' [Video]

After months of waiting and anticipation, writer/director Vincente DiSanti and the team at Womp Stomp Films premiered Never Hike in the Snow, the prequel to 2017’s mega hit Friday the 13th fan film Never Hike Alone, over on their YouTube channel last night, and it's our absolute pleasure to share it with all of you today!

Never Hike in the Snow is set three months prior to the events of Never Hike Alone. The film follows the events surrounding the strange disappearance of Mark Hill (Courtlan Gordon), a young resident of Crystal Lake who went for a hike in the dead of winter and never came home.

As Local Wessex County Sheriff Rick Cologne (Vinny Guastaferro) and Deputy Alan Mabry (Bryan Forrest) search for answers, lifelong resident Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews) believes his old nemesis Jason Voorhees (DiSanti) is to blame. Will Diana Hill (Anna Campbell) ever see her son again, or will her son become another lost victim of the cursed camp?

The nearly 30-minute short film kicks things off with one hell of an intense chase sequence between Mark and Jason, the one teased in the official trailer last month. No spoilers here, we'll let you see how it plays out for yourself. As expected, Tommy Jarvis is still on the warpath to destroy Jason and the search for officer's search for answers leads to an ever-increasing body count.

Much like Never Hike Alone, the production values of Never Hike in the Snow are top notch and a cut above the rest when it comes to fan films. The cinematography and sound design are impeccable, the acting is equal to that of a big Hollywood production and the gory practical effects don't disappoint! See for yourself below!

Never Hike in the Snow is the first of four new entries that will complete "The Never Hike Alone Web Series." The next installment, Never Hike Alone II: Never Hike Again, is expected to begin crowdfunding soon, with Never Hike Alone III: Jason Takes Crystal Lake and Never Hike Alone IV: The Final Hike to follow. The series promises to finally bring the story of Tommy Jarvis and Jason Voorhees to an epic final conclusion. 

More details on "The Never Hike Alone Web Series" can be found over on Indiegogo.

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