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'Let's Never Meet' - Indiegogo Launched for Series Based on True Horror Podcast 'Let's Not Meet'

With over 50 million downloads and over thousands of stories from all over the world, one of the top true-horror podcasts Let’s Not Meet has joined forces with the award-winning Goodale Films to create a live-action limited episodic series called, Let’s Never Meet.

The show will be based on true tales of terror from the popular podcast. These tales will range from creepy encounters with random strangers to narrowly evading capture or even murder by infamous serial killer Ted Bundy.

"If you've ever had an unexplainable chill up your spine. If you've ever sensed that your empty apartment wasn't as empty as you thought. If you've ever thought "is someone there?" while walking alone down a long dark road. Then this is for you," says Andrew Tate, creator of Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast.

In order to raise funds for the project, a crowdfunding campaign was just launched on Indiegogo, which will run through July 19th. The Goodale Films team will start principal photography in the next two months and production will wrap in late fall 2022.

Tate explains over on Indiegogo, "This campaign is raising funds to bring Let’s Never Meet to fruition and to get the wheels in motion for a more lengthy series. The wealth of personal terror from Let’s Not Meet is the perfect genesis for the ultimate anthology of small screen scares. The more funds we are able to raise, the more stories we can bring to you. To get started, we're looking at a goal of $50,000. With that, we can realistically adapt three great stories from the podcast."

Check out the pitch video below and head on over to the Indiegogo page to learn more and support the Let's Never Meet campaign.



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