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Mahal Empire Name Sci-Fi Horror 'Arena Wars' As Their Tenth Feature Film, Launch Indiegogo Campaign

Ambition is the name of the game of the Mahal Empire. The brother tag team of Sonny and Michael Mahal have produced such films as Bus Party to Hell, Art of the Dead, and Attack of the Unknown, putting their own spins on the kinds of horror you think you’ve seen everything about. With films such as Bloodthirst and Night of the Tommyknockers on the way, you have to wonder where else these two can go… and then it hits them.

The next film from the Mahal Empire has been announced as a sci-fi action/horror hybrid known as Arena Wars. A new spin on the gladiator tales of ancient history, the synopsis for this latest project reads as follows:

In 2045 convicted criminals are given the choice of lethal injection or they can compete in the Fight Dome. Contestants have to survive seven arenas with different killers. If anyone survives they win their freedom.

As is their modus operandi, the brothers Mahal have launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund production, with a goal of $100,000. As of this printing, their numerous film production and post-production campaigns have raised over $1.7 million, and looking at the available perks, it’s not hard to see why. A foot in the door is just $25, which includes a poster, a copy of the script, and a digital copy of the film upon release, and things only get cooler from there, including naming characters, tickets to the red carpet premiere, and more.

Arena Wars is set to begin filming in May of this year, with a tentative release coming in January 2022. See the intro video for the Indiegogo campaign below, and check out the perks and become a backer here.



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