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Montreal Drag Queen Sisi Sinatra Is Drop Drag Gorgeous in Performance of Poppy's "Concrete"

Sisi Sinatra Poppy Concrete

One of my personal life mottos is “when the going gets tough, the tough get crafty.” Since the stay at home orders were rolled out, I’ve seen many performers turn to live streaming their acts, be it DJ sets, covers, new or unreleased material, or even original short films. In a time of uncertainty, where everything we knew has since come to an ass-grinding halt, it is refreshing, some might say inspiring, to see creative minds pushing forward and making new content to make the quarantine suck just a little less.

The popular drag superfans at Drag Coven have wrangled a number of performers, from local acts in their native Ohio, to some widely recognizable faces such as Camp Wannakiki’s C’est Kevvie, to some more up-and-coming talents all over. One such doll is Sisi Sinatra, a Montreal-based queen who previously participated in this year’s Miss Cocktail pageant. A quick scroll through her Instagram feed shows that she can hit just about every beat a drag queen can hit: comedy, horror, camp, glamour, you name it.

Recently, Drag Coven released a performance video from Sisi, as the Canadian artist lip-syncs Poppy’s genre-smashing “Concrete,” the opening track from her crushing third album I Disagree. Just as the track blends metal, bubblegum pop, and arena rock, so too does Sisi bring several looks of varying themes to this slab of a video.

Follow Sisi Sinatra on Instagram here, and use the links in the video description to tip her if you are willing and able.

Watch Sisi’s performance:



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