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[Podcast] Family Fun Night Episode 10: 'Tucker & Dale vs. Evil'

While I’ve yet to check out the SYFY series Resident Alien, it warms my heart to see Alan Tudyk in a prominent place on television. While his IMDb profile lists over 120 roles, one might be able to name the roles they actually remember him in on a single hand, and possibly even have fingers left over. If this sounds like a slight against the man behind Harry Venderspiegle, it is absolutely not, especially when there’s one role that, I would argue, sent Tudyk to another level altogether, that being as good ol’ boy Tucker in the 2010 Eli Craig horror-comedy, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.

What can I say about this film that I didn’t already say when I wrote about it for Dark Universe’s 100 Greatest Slashers list. Turns out, quite a bit, as Chase Will, Sean Wheeler, and myself discuss the film on our tenth episode of CryptTeaze Family Fun Night. This film lives and dies on the improvised weapons and unconventional deaths, the endearing character work, and the total subversion of the slasher genre we know and love.

Just never forget, Chad is a dick.

Check out this “Family Only” edition of Family Fun Night below:



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