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[Trailer] A Christian Heavy Metal Band Battles a Murderous Clown in 'Crispy's Curse'

He'll have you in stitches.

Now available on DVD from Wild Eye Releasing, writer/director John Williams' indie horror-comedy Crispy's Curse follows a christian heavy metal band as they do battle with a ghostly, demonic, murderous...but quite charming clown called Crispy.

"Crispy, a maniacal killer clown, is firing up his chainsaw and killing again. Messiah Fist, a Christian heavy metal band, may be the only ones who can stop him with the help of some ghost hunters and psychics."

Crispy's Curse stars Derek Acorah, Pete Bennett, Chris Lines, Angie Belcher, Matthew Sandland, Darren McAree, Wes Martin and Daniel Alexander.

Check out the trailer below.



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